Your cholestrol and blood pressure level also play important role. Everyone above the age of 40 should undergo a cardiovascular health risk chek up. If some has a high risk of getting a cardiac disease, medication to lower cholestrol level and high blood pressure is usually prescribed.
Different cardiac diseases caused by atheroma

Different type of cardiac diseases caused by atheroma are heart attack, angina and heart failure. Heart conditions such as heart valve problems and congenital heart problems are not generally included in cardiac disease.
Lifestyle factors that can prevent cardiac diseases
Quit Smoking
The risk of experiencing a stroke and getting other diseases generally increases with smoking. Quitting smoking is the best way to reduce the risk of developing cardiac diseases.
Physical activity
People with a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to getting cardiac diseases compared to those who are physically active. Moderate physical activity of 30 minutes everyday is sufficient to gain health benefits.
Reduce your weight
The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases is high for people who are overweight. The health risk of obesity is mostly seen when the extra fat is deposited in the tummy instead of on the hips and thighs.
Take healthy diet
A healthy diet helps in controlling obesity and reducing the cholestrol level. Include large portions of fruits and vegetables in your food. Most of the meals should include starch-based foods. Do not consume much fatty food.
Thus one can reduce the risk of developing cardiac diseases by taking over the above given healthy lifestyle factors.
About Fortis Healthcare
Fortis Healthcare is the best heart hospital offering state-of-art infrastructure facilities and qualified doctors and surgeons for treatment of cardiac diseases. We are leading group of hospitals in India offering world class medical facilities backed by experienced doctors and cutting edge technology. Fortis offers centers of excellence for cardiac sciences, bone and joint, neuro sciences, renal sciences, gastro sciences, organ transplants and critical care.
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